Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Glad to see some Sarahs are still being built...

Chuck taught me how to loft a set of lines in the late 70's and we lofted the Sarah deck as our project. After lofting the frames the basic deck came together pretty fast. Seems like I spent months sanding all the deck radiuses with little pieces of sand paper prepping the plug for the mold.

Didn't help any that twice as we were ready to laminate the mold Tom Morris added bosses on deck, one for the mast and one for the fore hatch, that mention gel coating the whole mold all over again and once again sanding and polishing the whole thing again.

I also rememember the hull plug was one of the first plugs done with a new flexable wire on top of the plug battens which saved a lot of time over the old method of covering the battens with strips of plywood.

In it's day this strech mesh wire allowed us to have a basic plug in a week after lofting and a mold for a 30' hull in 30 days vs several months with plywood. It was only a few years later it all fell to a computer driven router to make a plug in just a few days.

A bit of a ramble but trips down memory lane can do that!

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