Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Yes on IE8, New Win7 jury scheuled for the 23rd/24th.

Finally, Thank God an Greyhound no more !@#$%56&()!!! expletive deleted Vista.

So now I have an old HP with XP Pro, a real new Acer 8.5" screen netbook with XP and zounds maybe the Toshiba Satellite will finally come into it's own.

I used the IE demo on the Acer and it also featured a preview of W7.

Hows prices in your area. I'm still using CompUSA (now owned by Tiger Direct) with fewer stores but two in Jacksonville FL and I think the one at Tacoma Mall is still there. Prepay order for W7 was $119 plus shipping for the home program. They are also coming out with a three pack of that supposed to be $149. The website features some excellent narratives and graphics on the different Win7's.

Jury deliberations about to begin but if it's a no go I can still format and install XP Pro.

But after these few years and some 30,000 patches NO MORE Vista Hooray!!!!!!!!!

Now to make it boat related the little Acer runs my Garmin GPS an Chart program just fine and dandy. Two fit easily in a small pelican box and the price dropped some $60 from the $300 I paid last Spring.

Back on track. Thumbs up for IE 8.

Notice I didn't use the word anchor yet. That might be good alternate employment situation for computers with Vista. ;D

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