Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Life happens, dreams evolve, plans change

Once Again is a beautiful boat. We wish we had owned her years ago. We had dreams of taking her to the Keys and Bahamas and maybe even the Caribbean. She would have been great!

But our dreams of wandering the islands were grounded in the shallows of our finances and dashed on the rocks of full-time employment. As practical considerations became unavoidable, it became evident that our dreams were evolving. They weren’t about the night passages anymore so much as the lazy days at anchor; not climbing aboard for a rollicking sail so much as stepping aboard our home away from home.

It was hard for me to accept, but as out stamina begins to decline and our free time remains limited, we realize we couldn’t use Once Again as we wished. Our fantasy of having a nice little bungalow on the water also seemed to continually recede.

The idea that we would someday move to a trawler, stowed in the background for years, suddenly seemed to take root and germinate. It sprouted and grew rapidly after taking a “just curious” walkthrough of a trawler for sale on our dock. Plans were changing.

Once Again will be back on the market as soon as we finish a couple of projects. And we’ll be looking for a nice trawler to be our home on the water. We may even name her Bungalow!

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