Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Boat bits, parts and usage...

Hi all,

Jill and I are about to head back to our boat after a long absence.

Because of the break in using our boat, I don't think our yearly "Gear Reports" from now on would be as valid as they were. So, in an effort to pass on info, I think I have come up with a new idea.

I have taken some of the video I took during our last summer, and started what I am calling "mini Op-Evals". They are quick operational evaluations of some of the items we have and use aboard our Nor'Sea 27 as we live and cruise aboard.

I have uploaded 3 so far. I may do more as time permits and if people think they are of value. I was thinking about one on our Village Marine water maker, and a maybe a couple of other items.

You can see what is there so far at: then click on Op-Evals, or just scroll down to them.


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