I should be down in NE by 2011 season. Would love to meet you and get some local knowledge.
Here is a bad picture of the interior just after first launch. Most of the interior surfaces are vacuum bagged cored epoxy/glass panels, fully tabbed in place and together - I didn't want any bulkheads creaking. This was then veneered with cherry, and rebates were left in the glass work for cherry posts at the corners so that it looks like a proper lumber interior, not a "Euro" curvy look. That is a 23" Apple Cinema display built into the bulkhead (and covered up) which connects to a Mac Mini built into the port settee bookshelf, all interconnected to the instrument system and stereo system. The floorboards are carbon fiber/balsa cored, with an overlay of 1/4 if teak and holly. They span the keel floors with no other joists to give unfettered access to the bilge. Light fixtures are custom framed Alpenglow CFL. SS hand grasp post in the middle is tied up through the deck and forms a reinforced socket for the boom crutch, used mainly for assembly of the boom or maintenance of the rigid vang which normally supports it (there is no topping lift).