Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I couldn't help myself. I bought it at WM.

Okay, so I couldn't find any way to buy some paint and varnish through Jamestown or Defender....or at the chandlery here (or anywhere else online) and beat West Marine's prices because of the cost of shipping. But I did take along both J's and D's catalogs and without any argument WM met their catalog prices. This meant up to 25 percent off
WM's catalog it was a good deal, right?

So why do I feel like a traitor? No kidding. Guilt ... guilt....guilt! But the price was better for my pocket book and when your income is limited you sometimes have to swallow a little pride.

I did wear a hat pulled low on my head and a fake mustache though when entering the store.

Should I send Stephan a check for a few bucks to feel better?

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