Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Hey Rob, I think I owe you a beer or two, and

am getting close to your stomping grounds. Piscator is finally on the move, after spending most of the winter and spring in St Pete at the muni marina finishing up a lot of details (there is still a two page to-do list) while staying with friends who live in Tampa. Finally got her sailing to Key West, spent a week sampling the various bars, now we are on the way up to New England, but currently lie in Lake Worth for a couple days. So might be able to buy you a beer or two for your advice on a couple questions and finding me a couple items for the boat. We should be in Ft Pierce later this week, certainly by the weekend, let me know if you are around.

Sorry everyone, no pics of Piscator, lost the cable to connect my camera to the laptop, should have that fixed in a couple of days. Also sorry to have been AWOL from the board for months, but work on the boat came first, and internet connections were a little spotty.

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