for many reasons, this product isn't the best solution for a grounding scheme on a sailboat (or any boat). the beauty of an isolated-stay and antenna tuner combination is the wide frequency spectrum available with a simple ground. the counterpoise is a tuned system and limits (or could limit, if it actually were a true counterpoise) the marine/amateur frequencies accessed. the tuner's true function is to only present a 50 ohm nominal load to the transceiver. the hodge-podge grounding schemes of tying all things metal (fuel/water tanks, keel, sintered plates, foil tape) together doesn't present a true counterpoise, is expensive, and/or a poor capactive-coupling through the hull to the water. it's also an installation nightmare .. and I would implore everyone to simply connect their tuner through a small run of copper braid/strap to a below water bronze thru-hull (isolated from the transceiver ground if possible), painted with a copper-matrix (bottom paint), and start there before spending a sailor's hard earned monies and time on something of dubious effectiveness and a potential implementation incubus.
thumbs down ...