Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Boat trailer work for Jaunty.

Cold galvanized this crossmember for the bow support for my flat bottom, much rockered boat. Not knowing initially where it would need to be on the trailer I did three options. Turns out the middle and inner bolt holes are the cat's pajamas.

This is the largest piece of steel I've cold galanized but the other stuff I did seemed to work well. It appears to be 93% zinc and a vehicle and binder for delivery to the metal. Who knows?

Spent a few minutes chatting with my daughter in Guatemala on Skype. She and her pal have signed up for schools of Spanish instruction for several weeks of several hours a day, pretty much one on one. One of her goals for going there to work for Habitat was to use, and to improve, her Spanish. After this class ends in mid September, she will be working as a site field supervisor by herself. She'd been going with others to see how the business of building is done. Turns out many of the local craftsmen laying the block they all carry with the mortar they all mix speak a Mayan dialect. Go figure. Such a big world and so much to see and learn.

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