Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

So what is going on with the network listing of CSBB?

I used to be able to find CSBB by just putting CSBB into Google and the link found would be fine... now it seems that Google can no longer find the site... it takes me to a blank version of

There is no "index" for a web browser to latch on to... so all you get is a blank page.

I put in sailboat owners .com and Google was able to find something that I could click on (obviously but the URL is different:

So Bookmarks are no longer valid, DNS servers go funky, and Google... well google is just plain lost.

Now I certainly don't mind going through the front page (please support our hosts) but whatever is being done is not likely to make it easy to find either this board, nor the whole home page for the site... IMHO.

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