Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Cruising World, May Issue, Editors comments on marine fuels

Can anyone give me more information on fuels and engines? The comments made by the editor certainly affects all of us with older boats, I assume that it is factual, I'd like to know more. The comments were that anyone powered with an old A4, your days are numbered due to the mandatory use of E85. Those are easy to spot on the used boat market. My real question is about the effects that Low Sulfur or Ultra Low Sulfur diesel fuel mandated by the EPA will have on older diesel engines. I understand that the sulfur acts as a lubricant much like lead did in older gas engines. The editor referred to "keeping your old Perkins" for a few more years may not happen. So what is considered old technology? Kubota says to expect wear on pumps and injectors plus a drop in power. I have done some investigation on line but my pal Google has not turned up much as it relates to marine applications.

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