I have not been around the board much lately. Still sailing. Three weeks on the boat in Maine this summer. As I have gained so much from my fellow denizens here over the years, I thought I would offer up here, before Craigs list, two outboards. They are a non working 4.5 long shaft and a non working 7.5 short shaft. Both are older 2 stroke Mercurys The 4.5 is all there. don't know about the 7.5. Anybody is free to have one or both for a winter project. It was the original reason for the "test" , as I appear to not know my password, but this computer has it as a cookie I guess. The email associated with the password is defunct. I am in New Hampshire and so are the outboards. Lorax(spell the #1) at myfairpoint dot net
Namaste II Falmouth, ME