Hi all,
A short time back we had a long thread on our chain plates and my replacement them. The new ones are now on the boat! WOW do they look GOOD!!!!
***** One BIG BIG THANK YOU to Dan Y for turning me on to Garhauer Marine! *****
For the people interested in the ins and outs, I have just posted a YouTube video of my adventures of replacing ours.
The take away from this video is watching the one bad plate that I had break in my hand as I was taking the video. This was NOT staged! You get to see it the same as I did!
You can see it at; http://youtu.be/z3MeKoKC5-0
Once again, this video was hot in 3D, but you can easily turn that off by clicking on the red "3D" at the bottom of the video and selecting off. If you have done that on any of my older videos, it should still be off for you.
If you have any questions, just ask.