The sail is attached via tripod setup (hence Trike). The bolt on the front leg sheared in flight this weekend. A loud POP and the sail moved back about a half foot and the main mast support backup caught the system and held it in place. It was first quite a scary situation, and second, re-enforcement of how good the backup systems are on the plane.
It was a walk away moment after our safe emergency landing. Not only for me but for my instructor as well. He's been flying for 30 years and never had this happen and it visibly shook him. After the plane was repaired we both showed up the next day and spent about 4 hours in the air.
To put it into perspective for myself, the first time I went kayaking I flipped over and got hung up on a rock upside down in 2' of white water. I couldn't get out. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, I escaped, stood up, and walked the two steps to shore and sat there for about 10 minutes contemplating whether or not I should continue. I did and my adventures kayaking have added to my life.
I view this as round 2 and worth the risks