Just thought I'd share some ways I've learned to deal with fiberglass splinters. As most of you know, they're usually invisible until you rub your skin the wrong way against something. Then they're difficult or impossible to see or grab with tweezers.
One way to get them out is to use a strong tape such as 3M Preservation Tape, or Gorilla tape, or "100mph duct tape". Apply the tape firmly, allow it to warm up a bit so the adhesive gets a good set, and pull it off in the direction of the splinter. Usually that does the trick.
The tape might not work if the splinter doesn't have much exposed length. In that event, use a sterile needle to enlarge the entry point a bit, then use "New Skin" liquid Band-Aid on it. The New Skin will coat the splinter so it is no longer catching on things (or irritating you). Wear it for a day or two to allow the New Skin to set thoroughly and until it starts to peel at the edges, then peel it off and the splinter will (almost always) pull out with it.