My friend Chuck, the owner of the boat, and I did an over nighter from San Diego to the east end of Catalina and then kept going up the island to Emerald Bay for a 5 hour stop to work on the engine. The Perkins 4-108 was acting up and had some air in the system. It didn't stall out but it was making us wonder. We finely got the air out of the injector ump and were able to proceed. We did another over nighter and ended up at Smugglers Cove on Santa Cruz but the weather was so good we didn't want to stop so off we went for point Conception. We spent 5 hours in the lee of the point at The anchorage, had dinner and a few hours of sleep and set out at 11 o'clock for our rounding. We started to pick up 20 to 25 on the nose so we tacked back inside to two mile mark and hugged the coast under motor in 15 for the rest of the way around Point Aarguello. It turned ugly after the point because we had the washing machine effect due to the refracted waves but that too calmed down as we entered Morro Bay. As trips around the point go, this one was pretty good. It's a week at home then off to Catalina island for the next two months😀.