Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

No, old sunset (2013) in Eggemoggin Reach. Funny, that hatch made the shots. Here's more-
In Response To: Is that Waterman Cove? ()

The sun, still above the horizon, was too blinding for photos. So I put the hatch between me and the sun and voila, good camera settings for photos and a fairly high ISO. I got several photos with the sun behind the hatch, which is crazed enough(and salty) from age to diffuse the light.

Then we hopped in the dinghy and I took more. I think this sunset was unique because it was captured between a cloud cover over us and the glass flat water in the Reach - a nearly perfect mirror! All this lit by the sunset in clear sky, to the west. It was surreal.

You can manipulate these in several ways. Mostly temperature which was naturally hot from the sun. Still, the blues are there in the sky. I've tuned them both ways and like them all. If I had it to do over again, I'd use a slower ISO. They're a little noisy for blowing up, but sometimes that works too?

A series of about 20 shots were taken in around 15 minutes, all in changing light. At the end we tied up at the Woodenboat School docks. This is the last image I took, sun well below the horizon now.

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