Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

News from Black Point

In case there are others here for whom Black Point in the Exumas is a second home, here's the latest news. Basil Rolle, Lorraine's dad and Peermon's husband passed away on July 1. He was 71 years old and died of a heart attack.

Lorraine's Cafe has greatly expanded. Her husband Uriah has done some beautiful work on the renovations. Lorraine's kitchen is now double the size of the old one. Uriah is still finishing up work on the bench seats around a large outdoor porch. There's a new bar where the old porch used to be and is a challenge to Zhivago's bar across the street.

Peermon is doing well. She is the resident preacher now at Gethesmane Baptist and the ministry is going strong. If you're there on a Sunday, you may still here Ralph's electric guitar swinging out the hymns. Peermon's coconut bread is still unquestionably the best in the Bahamas.

Willy Rolle, who has a Garden of Eden in his yard, is looking good but he still has the shakes. Maybe Parkinson's? He still takes his morning walks into town and back.

Ida and Terrence Patton are thriving. The well crafted cottages that Terrence built are frequently rented. The laundromat that he built is still the best in the Bahamas. Ida is one of the best hair cutters in the Bahamas.

Sailing into that gorgeous anchorage there still feels like coming home.

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