Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Just between you and I... I gotta laugh at this a bit...

Below is a pic of how to pivot into your slip using a spring line when the wind is not with you...

I am chuckling, as my dock neighbor... the guy on the next dock over, similar to the boat they show you pivoting around... well he is a motorboater, with two enormous engines tilted up and these really sharp looking props extending well out past the end of the dock... such is the reality of no doubt not just my marina.

It is never the perfect picture like the one showing in the "how to guide."

I remember having to go to a pump out that was a side tie, and it was just upwind in the typical the prevailing winds... and surrounded by rescue boats and utility craft... it was always an interesting challenge getting into the pumpout spot. GRIN

Hey, there's a weekend coming up... have a good time no matter what you're doing.

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