Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Success and irritation

I am happy to report that we finally got the furling main sorted out AND had the opportunity to give a test. It handles easily and rolls in and out with minimal effort. The keys were to set the proper tension on the cap stays which were way too tight and to release about 1" of main halyard tension. It was blowing a little more than our comfort zone with an untested main sail but the little Hunter is proving to be a very nice boat, handling well under both sail and power. Very little drama, if any at all.

As I mentioned before, as a favor to our daughter-in-law we were going to be in a commercial for a new Marriott Courtyard that opened this past weekend on the bayfront. Our task was to sail back and forth in front of the hotel while the video crew did their thing. No small feat yesterday with winds out of the west about 15, with higher gusts. "back and forth" meant directly into the wind in one direction, running with the wind in the other. We were supposed to be in front of the hotel at 11am and get our cues via text message. I found the old CW/SW BB burgee and hoisted it with our club burgee just for the occasion. Just after 11 our first text came asking if we would come around the back of the hotel in the basin instead. Second text a minute or so later was asking if we could come along side their wharf and allow some hotel management and camera crew to come on board. Third message was delivered in person to us at the wharf saying that although we were told to be there at 11am sharp, the hotel manager and videographer weren't quite ready, they were going to have a few more drinks in the hotel bar and then a bite to eat. They would send us a text when they were done so could we just come back some time later? I'm afraid my patience ran out, I told them that perhaps they could just go rent a camera boat? It was Sunday afternoon, blue skies and a crisp breeze, we were going sailing. I explained that this was our boat, we were doing this as a favor so perhaps the hotel manager should work around our schedule? The response was that he doesn't work like that. I understand that he is now angry at us for not allowing them to use a boat as promised. I told them that I never promised anything of the sort and that they were bot rude, inconsiderate and unprofessional. Having been a camera guy in a previous life I knew that any footage shot in the boat would have been worthless anyhow. The bay was rough from the wind driven waves and large boat traffic. He did not have a steady-cam.

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