Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

While we're talking about eating mammals ...

The traveling salesman drives up a long dirt drive to a midwestern farm. He sees a pig with a wooden leg. After giving his sales spiel to the farmer, he says I have to ask about the pig I passed down in your field - hoe did he come to get a wooden leg?

We'll let me tell you, says the farmer. That's a real special pig. Our house was burning down, and wouldn't you know that pig came to the bedroom window and snorted until the misses and I woke up. He saved our life, that pig did.

That's great, but again, how did he get a wooden leg?

Well let me tell you, I was plowing the back field when my tractor went into a rut and rolled right on top of me. My leg was pinned under the wheel, and wouldn't you know that pig came running down and rooted around in the mud until I could get my leg cleared.

That's amazing, but why on earth does he have a wooden leg?

The farmer looked at the salesman like he was the dumbest ass he ever saw, and said well, isn't it obvious what a rare pig that is? A pig as special as that, you wouldn't eat all at once.

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