Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Switching back to IE7 , the delete problem solved and shortcut keys

Thats for changing back

Now as to the problem of deleting allthe history, browzer, favorites etc that would not delete use this

Tools, Programs, Internet (or whatever other area you want) and turn off autofill or autosuggest. There's another delete button intheir and this works as opposed to Tools, Internet, delete which leaves anything being used by the auto this and that functions.

Someone, I think Jon mentioned last year learning shortcut keys with windows. I finally downloaded the list from Kim Comando' web site. Lo and Behold it's mostly pre-windows stuff which all of us oldth-ters used in the pre mouse, pre windows, pre internet days.

HOWEVER a lot of he really cools CPrompt splat dot splat functions are gone forever (I miss PC Tools) although some that were gone have been reinstated. Nice!

Now If I could just find the commandfor making multiple file folders by specific number requirement? Anyone?

Or how to cure computers going spastic when they are off the net for up to four months at a whack. Those stupid miserable aggravating popups "you're computer security may be in trouble...etc. etc. ad meaningless naueum)

It's a long ways from 64k RAM and two 360k floppy drives.



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