Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

If you're using a gui tool, you may have to

get directly into the code to take control. I highly recommend getting TextPad, which is a programmers text editor with color syntax highlighting. I have it open on my desktop at all times.

This is how the table declaration should look: (Substituting Parentheses for the brackets that would make them html code, of course.)

(table width=80% align=center)

You can of course, do align=Left and align=right

If you do a table with three columns and then put tables inside the columns, you can set the width of the tables to 100%, then control the width with the columns. That will allow you to have the left menus, Main Content in Center and Manufacturer links in a right column. I recommend 20% on left and right and 60% in middle.

Here's a link to an excellent html tutorial page. It provides in very logical manner, the functions you have available to you and within each, the properties available to control it.


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