Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Solving The question
In Response To: Guns, dogs, all chain... ()

1. Get single. 2. No kids 3. No house 4. No car 5. None of the stuff that goes with any of the above.

Substitute occasional crew for #1 who can be a co-skipper not a soul mate. Toenail polish ok but must be chipped. Either that or just single hand.

Substitute spending the inheritance for #2

Substitute a boat for #3

Substitute a dinghy for #4

Substitute things that go with the substitutions for #5 (scuba, fishing, ham radio etc etc.etc.)

No problem glad to help



PW Ladies feel free to reverse the roles unless looking for a self-funded crew position. Anchor Wench to co-skipper and if you don't mind I'll do the cooking;D

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