Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Not really...There is distinct difference between Nino and Nina years

which can cause a choice between routes for starters. Just can't find the site that spells out the differences.

Three choices.

1. Cornell's second recommendation. San Diego to Galapagos, Galapagos to Easter, Easter to Juan Fernndez, Juan F. to Valparaiso, and back towards Galapagos heading west when appropriate.

2. Cornell's first recommendation, San Diego to Galapagos, motor sail against the Humboldt to Valparaiso and/or Juan Fernandes, then to Easter and exit north and west.

3. The old windship route from the US...South on the 125 deg. line til it's time to angle over to Easter, then Juan Fernandez, Valparaiso and up to Galapagos.

4 at the bottom of the list is US to Hawaii and S. Pacific islands those missed the last time

5. Not on the list is going back to Mexico or French Polynsia again.

Choices one to three have a Nov departure time. Choice four is a May departure.

The only real difference is Nino or Nina.

You learn to research everything after a few trips across the pond.

then you makes your decision and lives with it.


Michael D or Crabby depending on which way you take the post. ;D

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