Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Oh that's good. Ever try Pam to prevent Love Bugs from sticking?

Hi Rob!

Good to hear form you. Great story.

So I drive a lot and I kept hearing this rumor about spraying Pam on the front of your car to make the love bugs slide right off. Well I finally decided to give it a try. And sure enough it worked like a charm. But the part of the rumor that never makes the rounds is how do you get rid of the Pam?

Sometimes I travel for days. I figured oil just stays slippery so I'd wait until I finished my travel to wash the Pam off. Bad idea. Guess what? Pam dries. Well, not completely. It turns into goo after a few days in the sun.

And even charcoal starter (or mineral spirits as it is really known), would not cut it. I had streaks of it running all the way up the hood and down th3e sides. Took -lots- of elbow grease to finally get it all off. It would have been easier to just clean the bugs off. Which is what I do, now.

The best defense seems to be a good load of wax.

Of course there is a rumor that WD-40 helps em slide right off...

Maybe somebody else would like to try that and get back to us?



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