Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Best all around stern hook? (pic)

I have a size larger Manson Supreme and chain for a bow hook. I have the chain 'cuz....I have the chain... Some 60' or 70' of 1/4" BBB galvy I've been trucking around for over thirty years. Thought I'd give it a try for my amusement.

I also have an oversize Danforth (original) which I'll carry but looking for that magic bullet all around stern hook. By that I mean I'd like it small and easy to handle but effective for a stern hook.

This is on my next boat, yet to be finished but ony 16' on deck trailerable, Power Pelican. I'm outta the bigger boats and sailing, got too gimpy.

Bottoms will be varied, mostly sand and mud but some rock, kelp, too.

Whoa, dude! ANOTHER anchor thread?

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