Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

We're in the VI's now

Yep, we made it. Finally found a wx window we thought would work and obviously it did. 8 days 20 hours from Beaufort, NC to St. Thomas, Brewers Bay.

I'm working on a full report in our blog but to make a long story short, Couple of fast sailing days, Gulf Stream a big nothing, seas weird for the first days, then 60 hours of "nothing" motoring, then saiing, weird seas again, the Trench just north of the VI's gave us a SE sea with an E breeze. Once we cleared the trench it smoothed out.

Big problem was thought that when we were going to Heave too; I really didn't like the idea of going into even Jost Van Dyke on a moonless night the headsail would only roll half way in. I did what we're told to never do, put a winch on it and still only half way.

About the second day out an upper spread lift wire let go and was causing problems. I tried to snare it in a spare halyard and left it in the wrong place. I got caught in the upper part of the furler. So as I was furling the sail I was wrapping up this halyard. At night w/ no moon I couldn't see what was happening at the top of the mast. I tried letting the halyards go (by now there were more than one; that were getting wrapped but that too didn't work.

We sailed downwind around the lee of St Thomas, then motored five miles up to the anchorage. After anchoring almost at Dawn I went up the mast to get the halyards cleared and then we rolled up the sail.

Now I have a twisted furler and a torn sail. Fortunaely tomorrow the sail goes to a great sailmaker who has been here since the islands were formed and the furler I don't know how I handle that yet.

But anyway were. Here.

Fair Winds

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