Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

40 Free Classics for Sailors
In Response To: We like E-Readers aboard... ()

Hi Greg! Long time, no see!

So funny you should bring up this topic as I was just popping in to post a list of 40 free classic seafaring books for Kindle that I created on Amazon. Rob gave me a K2i as an early Xmas gift but kept taking away to read it himself! We bought him one shortly after - ha! Anyway, there are some obvious holes in this list - such as 'Three Men in a Boat', which came before 'Three Men in the Bummel' - and they ARE available in the Kindle store, but not for free (usually around $1). I found several on Feedbooks for free though.

BTW, you don't have to own a Kindle to order ebook content from Amazon. They just released Kindle for PC, which is a free app for PC users to read ebooks on their computer. Just download it, then download a bunch of free books, and start reading. I personally don't like reading books on a computer screen but it's better than nothing and takes up no space onboard!

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