Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Feels like Groundhog Day, all right – another engine went in the boat over the weekend… (grin)

Happily, however, this one seems like a keeper… Have only done a relatively short sea trial so far, but this engine sounds better than mine has for years, and fires right up at the turn of the key… Freshly painted, she looks very good, haven’t found a hint of any fuel or oil leaks yet, and even at full load for several minutes underway, the exhaust is amazingly clean…. Needless to say, I am VERY pleased so far, this one appears to have a lot of life in her yet…

The second swap went very smoothly, spent the weekend in Riverview Marine in Ft. Pierce, a very funky DIY yard… Highly recommended, lots of foreign cruisers doing haulouts/work there, very interesting place with a great cast of characters… My total bill for the use of the forklift to do the heavy lifting was $150, pretty tough to beat that…

So, looks like the cruising can resume, another frontal passage this weekend should bring a period of strong SW-W-NW to head across the Stream, now all I have to figure out is where I’m gonna watch the Super Bowl… (grin)

Best regards,


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