Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I have 2 on my boat in Mexico
In Response To: I'm surprise Larry... ()

I have had a engel for 6 years. When I got it I did a current test on it out of the box because I was like you and know that vendors some time have bad number. Sure enough, Turn the unit on and it was drawing 3.2 amp then a funny thing happen after 15 seconds the unit was running at 2.5 amp and after 30 seconds it was at 2.4 and that were it stayed. the unit seem to have a slow start up current and after 30 seconds they draw the stated current. 2 year later bought the second(it does the same). We run one as the frig and the other as freezer. It is nice to be out about 2 week and have another boat over for dinner and pull out Ice Cream. It is always a hit. I have not measure but would guess run time is about 50% once every thing is at temperature. I ran one on a 80watt solar panel 24/7 with no problem.
As someone said about the Sterling, the Engel is also heard at night, but I do not hear it during the day.
Still wonder if the Sterling meets it spec and about the run time.

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