Captain Jack...90 years old, a horn dog, making a bee line to the fat woman with children named Sebastian hiding their video games behind their geography on disability with parrots wondering if they can sue for the last $1500 on their dead father's estate...middle aged men with that fake hah hah hah laugh with wives who hate them...couples with spotless dinghie...the guy wondering where he can get a sunbrella cover for it...his wife, in a miniskirt, mocking him to anyone who will listen.. a slumped over, I don't know 40 or 50 something, silently stalking the marina, his 3rd Fosters in hand at 1230 pm...a 50 year old alkie with a 30 year old girlfriend who spends all day downloading Itunes and playing some kind of video game in Spanish...he leaves and she looks longingly at men her age as if to say 'please, anything, get me out of this situation' takers except Capt. Jack whose boat is weighed down by the hull growth...a bald guy who shouts into hias phone at the rajahstani in technical support, faux patiently explaining in very loude English why his new wifi booster won't work...I am jealous of the guy with the noise cancelling headphonew...geoff with a G in a muscle shirt and those stupid chinese plastic sandals getting the drippings from the 25 cent a gal. purified water...Bob, protecting his cute wife by refusing to talk to anyone, even giving the head nod as we pass in a dinghy..his wife or girlfriend gainfully employed at a minimum wage job...the young people...maybe early 30s...he always saying 'gotcha' and she swinging her arms with a loose wrist, the telltale sogb of inbreeding...heavily tatted, waiting for the last 3 months for the weather window.that never comes..goodbye parties happened 2 months ago...ashamed to show themselves at the board of directors meeting under the shaded tree that begins at 730 in the morning and runs until happy hour....until night when they bring their 85 lb. dog in to shit indiscriminately...the jewish guy with the high voice who every 90 minutes starts reading out what site someone else is on because the server is unsecured...someone named bob here?...I can see your bank balance...thanks asshole...luis who spins like a top and smells like frangiapani but won't take out of state checks or amex...a bob bitchin look a like, drunk at 9 am… pissing off his dinghy in the middle of the harbor...shoots lhis 2nd amendment cannon off at sunset to 3 or 4 cries of 'cocksaucker'...his wife pretends not to know me...she looks miserable despite the self professed lifestyle of ...what?...and me....hauling the boat on Monday ...dealing with bureaucrats saving the homelss is more interesting than ma and pa kettle skypeing their grandchildren or stockbroker...waiting for chris parker to tell them it's OK to shit now..