What Video Editing program are you using? I have been making a few Autocross Video's for myself, using iMovie. Also, working on a 30 minute long iMovie for our Awards Banquet next Saturday. It will have a mixture of Video and Stills from our Kansas City Region SCCA races during 2011. For this one, I do not plan to up-load the video to YouTube or MobileMe.........just going to do all of the work on my MacBook, and show it with a Video projector. It will have 250 to 300 pictures and Short Video Clips and run on a Loop during the Cocktail hour.
I have been working on my editing with iMovie, and plan to include some Picture-in-Picture shots, and a few Instant Replays. The Pic in Pic is pretty cool - have a still shot, with a small separate frame showing a video clip.....or swap, and show the video big and the still shot in the frame.
Speaking of Camera Mounts.....been useing the Fat Gecko for most all of my In-Car video.
Look forward to seeing some more of your up-coming video work.