They're quite pleased with Rodds offer to use his mooring in Falmouth Foreside. Also Gail helped head off a bad side trip, I think.
"Wow Tom, what a fantastic offer. How very very kind of this person! (and of you to try and help us – we’ll definitely owe you a beer or two when we see you).
The use of a mooring in Falmouth Foreside sounds ideal, they have laundry and shopping there, all within walking distance. Absolutely brilliant!
The other ladies comments about Portland are also extremely salient, and have prevented us from making a stop there, when it would have been difficult to provision etc from there, so we are extremely grateful to her also.
(FYI we are 34ft long with a 5ft 8 in draft and weigh 9 tons and we have a small dinghy and outboard.)
We are also intrigued by her comments about the Taft companion website. Do you happen to know the url for this, it sounds like it would be jolly useful. We have an old edition of the book coming our way, but it makes no mention of a website (it was probably printed before the internet went viral)!
Many thanks again,
and please pass on our thanks in advance to your “friend” in Falmouth Foreside. We’ll hope to be there on Thursday and Friday if that’s OK.
Iain & Fiona
Sadler 34 Ruffian