and it changes... graph at the link below shows that the water temp is finally going up... yeah!
I swim without a wet suit and those 64-65 degree temps chill me for the whole morning. (64 is the bottom of my temp range for no wetsuit... although I do know folks that go out all year long in almost any condition)
Who knows, maybe summer IS right around the corner... in August!
I went back and checked the data, and it looks as though from June 26th through July 26th we had water temps over 68 this year; but last year for instance, the water temps were over 68 from June 26th to October 26th, with only a dip to 66 for a couple of days... what I would consider an upwelling event. Otherwise the water temps were over 68 and often higher.
Oh well, it all comes down to perceptions, eh.
Do you have a thermometer in your instrument panel? I love glancing at mine to see the water temp. (and I thank SIO for the daily and long term data)