I think it was saifishes that I learned on at Boy Scout aquatic camp when I was 12, It was a gusty lake, and we did not mind geting wet, so we were in the lake as much as on it.
The Around Islesboro race is a blast and something I look forward to all year. It is a pretty casual race with a large cruising class, but with a good mix of serious and not so serious racers and of boats.
Our club - the Northport Yacht club, runs it out of Bayside. We had a overture from Front Street to sponsor it but we want to keep the race in Bayside and for fun and have resisted so far.
This pic is from 2003, when a big group of boatrs got bunched up right at the narrowest point of Bracketts Channel. My old Ranger 23 Blue parrot is on the right, we were cruising class that year.