The 35A Motorola that came with my Atomic 4 left a LOT to be desired. I removed the regulator from the back of it, and led the field lead to an AutoMac controller. This was a vast improvement! When I upgraded to a larger house bank, I also upgraded to a 65A alternator that I bought on eBay - removed the internal regulator, hooked it up to the AutoMac, and had problems. Electrical shop found the stator with a ground to the case - corrected - working fine for years. Recently upgraded to a Balmar ARS4 controller - not much experience with it, but no complaints. Also added a Victron battery monitor to keep an eye on things - again, not much experience with it, but no complaints. Don't quite trust the new stuff yet, but I'm getting there.. You can teach us old dogs new tricks, but it takes time - you have to be patient with us.