unit (shown at; http://www.svguenevere.com/prep/proj/freezer/ )and now have an Engel in that place. It sits on the same shelf that the old unit was on. I used a bamboo cutting board that I put small rubber feet on (to keep it centered) on top. We can just lift the cutting board and then open the Engel.
I think it's the "27" unit. I would go to a larger size if I could fit it in without cutting teak. It's small, but for anything short of a month or so, the two of us manage.
When a new unit that uses a lot less power comes along, OUT the old unit goes and I can just pop in the new one.
I do have to laugh, I JUST picked up tow (2) of the low cost 100 Watt solar panels that I will try out this year. IF they put out what I saw on my meter, I should be able to fly 200 W + 85 W + 2 each 40 W units!! I plan on getting an ice maker before we hit the Bahamas!