Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

That's great footage. I like your choice of music. Edgy!

As the video was, especially if you sail. There's some nervousness as the winds builds. The boat is clearly over canvassed(expected racing).

As the guy in the fisherman's sweater gets dunked, he's the only one surprised! Some of the new music has a real fit to footage like this. Contrast the video with Frank Sinatra doing, "My Way",....

The film/video motion tool, now decades old, was the Steady Cam. To 'steady' the motion of the mobile filmmaker and his cameral(via gyros),it's still used in the local film school here.

It's a great way to capture footage without tracks and massive set ups. But it takes an operator and I would think that adds style.

A robotic steady cam mounted on the boat would give a whole different feel-more that of the sailor that is horizon acclimated. I'm not so sure that motion would be better though. Maybe a mixture of some clipped footage -that has the horizon leveled- would give a different sense of sailing motion?

This is a very good video as is. I was glad to see that guy get a dry sweater. He was out of sorts after that dunk.

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