Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

So was I. Actually no. I wasn't really skeptical. I just thought the concept was crazy.
In Response To: Good to hear from you, Dave. ()

And that's why I have no problem with anyone who scoffs at the idea. But believe me, they're real. We had one, we're guessing a juvenile, who hung around the cabin. He'd stand in the woodline and watch us through the cabin's window wall facing the woods. If it wanted us to do something, it would knock on our walls and windows at night. Last year, the day after we arrived at our cabin from Florida, Pamela heard it run behind her. As she waited for me to go out to investigate, she was staring out the cabin's door. Looking back at her about 30 feet away, standing behind some scrub pines, was an 8 foot tall Sasquatch.

We've heard groups of them pass by the cabin at night talking to each other. Quite amazing.

I took a famous New York researcher there named Bill Brann, who documented the famous Whitehall sighting, a Sasquatch seen by a dozen people, including three police officers. Bill was fascinated with this hand streak across a cabin window. With him is Brian Gosselin, one of the police officers who witnessed the Whitehall Sasquatch.

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