Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Welcome back, Dave.

Good to hear from you. What I liked about your Sasquatch book is that you weren't trying to convert anyone - you just told what happened to you.
Hope Florida works out for you - I'll be curious to see where you settle. Perhaps open a little computer shop?
Wife and I have downsized to a 1BR apartment and we're enjoying the change. The apartment is attached to a 3BR cape where our oldest son is living with his wife (and 3 dogs). The table saw is in the basement and the band saw in the garage. Between my stuff and my son's, we have 3 air compressors, 6 sewing machines, 2 miter saws, etc.
Doing a lot of sailing recently, but radio control stuff. Put together one boat back in May (3' long), and currently have a 5' one building in the basement.
Hope you stay in touch.

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