Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Did all of that (link)

Went over everything. Was a transit problem that is now in the past. I had the link set to 300 Ah (my house bank is 315). I had reset the Link (blinking LEDs) less than a week before. Ran out all of the charging system. With nothing much running (living aboard at anchor so no 8 hours rest for the battery) I was getting a usage of, say 15 to 25 Ah, but a voltage (no load, but working) of under 12, more like 11.3 or so...

Once I removed ALL battery cables and cleaning each one, it all started working just fine. I never did see ANY corrosion on the cables, ends, or or components.

I just would like to have a tester aboard so I can make sure the batteries are are good next time something suspicious come us.


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