Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

A bit more background (link)
In Response To: Greg... ()


Thanks for the ideas. The problem was back in 07, so it's well over.

I made all of the cables for the system. They are all new (in 04) 1/0 wire with the terminals crimped on with heat shrink/sealing type cover at the wire to lug connection. I did check the cables for heat during the charging and use, and for shorts, but you know the heat in the Sea during the summer! ;-) When I removed each terminal lug, I found no visible corrosion. I did clean each any way.

It drove me crazy for a few days! The Link was telling me that I had used very low Amps, but the voltage was low. By the way I tested voltage with both the Link AND a hand held meter. Once I got my hands on a tester, each battery tested OK. Charging was also telling be that they were charged, but dropped voltage rapidly!

At any rate, it's all in the past now. I was just trying to find a better battery tester “in case” it happens again. I like the idea that the Medtronics type of tester can check for bad cells.


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