Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Surely you jest
In Response To: I agree Steve ()

I don't see the smiley face though?

I guess since my attitudes aren't very popular there's no harm in telling you that this idea sounds a lot like terrorism to me.

God or whoever help the little kid that pulls up looking to sell some fish; the ugly Americans just became the ugly Americans with guns.

Funny though, when I'm out there in the world I don't run into Americans that think that way. All of those people stay home because they are too afraid to go out. But there's hope, there's sanctuary; it's called Idaho, nothing but god fearin white folks in cowboy hats as far as the eye can see. And ya know what? Out there Bush is still king, the Iraq war was a great success and the rapture is just around the corner.

Couldn't come soon enough for me. Please, go, be with God. Leave us sinners in peace.


There's a reason we live in a country of law. It's the one thing that separates us from the terrorist.

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