Here are some causes of overheating:
1. Low raw water flow, caused by
a)Plugged exhaust elbow
b}Damaged R/W impeller
c)Blockage in R/W hoses, suction fitting or strainer
d)Blockage in heat exchanger, sometimes due to impeller pieces or zincs
2. Poor heat transfer- R/W heat exchanger fouled
3. And rarely- bad fresh water pump
Each of these can be diagnosed methodically and cheaply:
1a- Disconnect hose to elbow in feel inside elbow inlet for scale blockage. If found remove elbow and clean or replace. 1b- Inspect 1c- Disconnect R/W outlet hose from pump and start engine,compare volume to specs by dumping in a bucket and measure time to fill 1d- Remove inlet cap and inspect
2. Remove inlet cap and inspect
3. Inspect