Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

So, imagine sailing off the coast of Florida ....

and a BIG weather bomb occurs without warning. You have either the choice to run far out to sea (but the Bahamas are in the way) or you elect to shoot an inlet into Florida. There is a surge with this 'bomb' but looking at your federal charts you know that you have ample time to cross under either a fixed bridge at 65 ft. (above MHW) .... your boat has 63ft. 'air clearance' and get your there in rising water and find that the depth boards are at 60 ft. In trying to anchor between a bascule bridge (now closed due to 'storm rules') and the purposely maliciously wrongly marked fixed bridge .... you cant find any suitable place to anchor (for miles), your boat goes ashore and becomes a total wreck between the bridges, one of your crew is permanently disabled (maybe killed) ... and the SOB judge who ordered this malfeasance and the trial-shyster who won that award that caused this overt miscarriage of legal 'thuggery' ..... are now peering out of their mansion windows, calling the waterway police because your wreckage and associated 'body parts' are now littering the manicured grounds of their 'houses of pretension'.

This would NOT happen in a country or nation that governs under the concept of the "rule of law'. It does occur in a nation wholly "ruled by contingency fees" and the unbridled "pursuit of deep pockets".

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