Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

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The bimini overhangs the full top of the dodger. The reason I had it done that way was for rain. When it's raining the top of the dodger stays dry. We don't have any cover for the Stratoglass but instead have panels that zip to the bimini and then snap down to the coaming in front of the dodger. The covers never touch the Stratoglass makng a kind of tent over it. The added benefit is that with the overhanging dodger and the panels the dodger is in it's own tent. No sun when we're away from the boat.

It's nice to stand behind the dodger while it's raining and have the 3 foot overhang shield you from the rain. The connecting panel comes from the front of the dodger and slants back as it reaches the bimini.

Works fine and would do it again.

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