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PHRF ratings are different in different sailing areas. If your vessel is not listed anywhere you need to apply for a rating. You fill out some forms and send it in to be evaluated. Since they don't know your boat and are only going on specs. they will give you a rating that will have you coming in poorly in all the races you enter. Now your job to correct it is to prove them wrong by participating in a number of PHRF races and not being competitive as in coming in poorly despite many races and a hell of a great crew. The PHRF board then considers all they have been given and may or may not change your rating.

Our boat didn't have a PHRF rating in Southern California. We applied and were given a rating that was ridiculous. Needless to say, it was impossible for us to have any fun racing so we quit.

If you want to race in PHRF races you need to purchase a vessel that has a track record and a rating. To start from scratch is a waste of time as far as I'm concerned. Of course if you want to enter a particular race and your boat doesn't have a rating you need to get one. Just don't have the belief that if you have a great crew and a well set up vessel that you may get a trophy. You will probably come in with a corrected rating that has you coming in last.

Do I like PHRF? I think not.

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