There are more Apps for the Droid than you have time to play with. My wife insisted on getting Droids when our phones came up for replacement. Actually she wanted an IPhone, but I told her she couldn't have one because we were staying on Verizon, so it was Droids.
So far I haven't loaded any marine navigation Apps, but I'm considering adding the Navionics one. or Earth NC Time will tell if I put either of these on.
There are also several Tide Apps.
I have added some weather ones:
RadarNow which gives the NOAA radar based on your position - it uses the built in GPS
BlueFin Marine Weather
Weather Channel
and web based
NOAA Point Forecast
Weather Underground marine
NOAA Tropical
I have also added, both Web based
Boat/US East Coast Alerts
Claiborne Young's Salty Southeast Cruiser's Net
To work with my laptop I added PDA Net It costs about $20 and works where ever the Droid can tie to the internet and seems as good as Verizon's Broadband. If the signal is weak it is very slow, as is the Verizon. The advantage is the $20 is a one time charge compared to a monthly Broadband charge.
This will get you started.