Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Having just returned from the harbor, I'm more concerned now,...
In Response To: Pulpit..... ()

Most of the public landing is cordoned off with Hurricane Irene Prep area signs. I went and talked to the owner at Rockport Marine. They're not taking any chances(many owners are out of the area) and have started hauling many boats. More tomorrow unless something changes. They've been here a long time(RM), I trust their advice on our harbor and storm history.

Their concern is, Irene is big. Even if it goes up the inland side, we still could see high winds from the southeast which is not good in south facing Rockport.

I'll keep an eye on Irene and my ear on the local advice. Maybe we'll be seeing you after all. Thanks for the report on Pulpit and especially MJ. She's on her way to St Andrews in Scotland as we speak, for her junior year. Just missed Irene.

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